Plant Pests

Common plant pests

Plant pests, often referred to as simply "pests," are organisms that can cause harm or damage to plants. These harmful organisms can affect various parts of plants, including leaves, stems, roots, and fruits. In the world of agriculture and horticulture, the battle against pests is ongoing and relentless. Common pests like aphids, thrips, caterpillars, spider mites, and whitefly can lead to damaged plants and reduced yields. Our commitment is to provide growers around the world with extensive knowledge and natural solutions to manage and prevent pests. By understanding common pests, implementing preventative measures, and employing effective pest control strategies, you can protect your crops from harm. Here, you'll find comprehensive pages covering common pests in agriculture and horticulture, complete with detailed information on damage symptoms, life cycles, and effective control strategies.

Two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus utricae

Spider mites

Spider mites are not actual insects but arachnids. They are extremely tiny and often go unnoticed until they cause severe damage to plants by sucking the cell contents. Learn more about spider mite damage and natural solutions to control them.


Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped insects that come in various colors such as green, black, or brown. They feed on the sap of plants using their piercing mouthparts, causing leaves to curl, wilt, and turn yellow. Aphids are known to reproduce rapidly, leading to infestations that can quickly spread.

Western Flower Thrips Frankliniella occidentalis on a leaf


Thrips are slender insects with fringed wings and rasping mouthparts. They can cause extensive damage to plants by feeding on the sap and spreading viruses. Learn more about thrips damage and effective prevention and control strategies.

Greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum Adult Illustration


Whiteflies are small, flying insects that cluster on the undersides of leaves, sucking plant juices and causing wilting and yellowing of foliage. Learn more aboute whitefly damage, their development and natural solutions.

Golden twin-spot moth Chrysodeixis chalcites Larva


Caterpillars can cause serious economic damage. Most species feed on leaves and young shoots, and their enormous feeding capacity can rapidly destroy a plant. Recognize the damage symptoms caused by caterpillars, learn preventive measures, and explore effective control solutions for managing this pest.

Adult form of the Tomato leaf miner Liriomyza bryoniae

Leaf miners

Leaf miners cause damage to plants both directly and indirectly. The most direct damage is caused by the larvae mining the leaf tissue which can lead to depletion, premature leaf-fall and cosmetic damage. Learn to recognize leaf miners, prevent infestations, and discover natural solutions.

Larva of the Vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus


Beetles harm crops by consuming leaves, fruits, and roots. Understanding their impact is crucial for balanced pest management. Learn about effective strategies and products to manage beetle infestations and ensure healthy plant growth.

Solanum mealybug Phenacoccus solani

Mealybugs and scales

Although most species of mealybugs feed on the aerial parts of the plant, some species extract their nourishment from roots, whilst others are gall-formers. Identify the damage symptoms caused by mealybugs, learn preventive techniques, and discover effective control solutions for managing this pest.

Sciarid fly Bradysia paupera Larval stage


Flies can cause damage to crops both directly and indirectly. The type of damage depends on the species of the flies. Recognize fly damage symptoms and find control strategies for these pests.